7 Organizations Providing Support for Bisexual Individuals in Los Angeles County

Discover 7 organizations providing support for bisexual individuals in Los Angeles County. Learn about the Los Angeles LGBT Center, Popluck Club, LBQWHC, MCC of LA & more.

7 Organizations Providing Support for Bisexual Individuals in Los Angeles County

California is one of the most progressive states in the US when it comes to LGBT rights, but discrimination based on sexual orientation still occurs in the workplace. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations in Los Angeles that provide support and resources for bisexual individuals. The Los Angeles LGBT Center is a great place to start. They offer a wide range of discussion, twelve-step, therapy, support, and presentation groups.

Some are presented by the Center, while others are directed, organized and presented by groups or entities not affiliated with the Center. The Learning Center has also published a collection of LGBTQ+ resources, which includes videos, courses, virtual training, and printable tools aimed at providing support to Los Angeles school communities. The Popluck Club is another great resource for bisexual individuals in Los Angeles. Founded in 1998, this fully voluntary organization promotes the well-being of gay parents and their children through mutual support, community collaboration, and public understanding. Their membership includes more than 700 gay parents and expectant parents, making it the largest known group of its kind. The Los Angeles County Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women's Health Collaboration (LBQWHC) is another great resource for bisexual individuals in Los Angeles.

This organization is comprised of individuals and organizations with experience advocating for the health and well-being of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women. They recently finished organizing focus groups with underrepresented lesbian and bisexual women to solicit their opinions and experiences about health care. The Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) of Los Angeles is a progressive Christian community of faith that honors, values, and welcomes all people. Point Foundation is another great resource for LGBT students in Los Angeles. It's the nation's largest scholarship organization for deserving LGBTQ students, and promotes change through scholarship funding, mentoring, leadership development, and community service training. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a national organization that works to promote LGBT rights across the US.

In Los Angeles they partner with the Los Angeles LGBT Center to provide thousands of homeless LGBT youth with food, shelter, employment programs, and more.


is a non-profit community services organization based in East Los Angeles that was established in 1989. They are dedicated to positively impacting the health and well-being of the Latino gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community in Los Angeles. Finally, Bienestar is another great resource for bisexual individuals in Los Angeles. This organization allows people to improve their physical and mental health and become “agents of change” as they raise awareness of critical issues, policies, and laws that require political action and funding.

Anja Bruijn
Anja Bruijn

Proud internet junkie. Lifelong zombie lover. Amateur food fan. Infuriatingly humble zombie aficionado. Hardcore zombie advocate. Total bacon scholar.

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